Adulting is hard

18 may be the age when we are considered an adult … but for most, it’s a lot later than that. A new survey found that 50% of respondents said they didn’t feel like an adult – until they were 30. So, what kind of things signify you’re an adult? Here are some results from the survey:

1.   Living on your own -- 30% 

2.   Buying a house – 28% 

3.   Getting married – 27% 

4.   Having your own bank account – 27% 

5.   Having kids – 26% 

6.   Doing you own grocery shopping – 26% 

7.   Doing your own taxes – 25% 

8.   Paying for your own phone – 25% 

9.   A steady paycheck – 25% 

10. Voting – 25%

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